Friday, 29 March 2013

Touching Video: A companion to the forgotten.

Today being Good Friday, and the week of the remembrance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, what are you doing to live a Christ-like life?

How are you showing love to those in need of it? How are you living according to the word of God about giving? 

I'm not referring to giving to your pastors or lovers here, rather, i'm referring to giving to those in need, bearing your neighbor's burden, sharing the little you have with those that have nothing....

The bible ordered us to give to the needy and less privileged in our society....
In Proverbs 22:9 - Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.

1st John 3:17-18 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

Proverbs 14:31 Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.

Isaiah 58:10 If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.

Proverbs 28:27 Whoever gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse.

There is a gratification and a blessing that goes with giving, one does not need to be a christian for them to give because we have all got 5.5 litres of blood running through our vains and we are all human. 

Below is a touching video of a selfless man. Happy viewing and Happy Good Friday!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Are there still sincere people around?

I saw this on Facebook and decided to share because it's so me. I can deal with and forgive a person that's wrong as long as they are sincere. 
In the world that we live in today, finding sincere people is as good as impossible. There is always a selfish interest behind every gesture and no one wants to tell the truth but they all want to hear the truth. What a world we live in!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

A MUST READ: Ladies, marriage is not a DO or DIE affair.

This lady was beaten blue/black by her husband and she is in one knows if she will make it.
This whole violence against women is deafening and a law should be put in place to castrate any man who raises his hand against a woman. I want to use this avenue to diss the ladies who still think marriage is for better or for worse. 

Few days ago, a friend of mine asked me for advice, her husband is what you will call a 'dog', he goes after anything and everything, he keep telling his girlfriends that he is not married, then promise them marriage and even goes ahead to impregnate them; Whereas he has a wife and child at home. Now, my friend is scared because her husband might end up contacting her with STDs, even at that, she still thinks marriage is for better and for worse. 

I didn't ask her to leave her marriage, i only asked her to choose between her life and her marriage. If her life is important to her, she will leave the marriage and take care of her child but if the marriage is more important to her, she will get infected with STDs and another woman will help her train her child. 
How can you sacrifice your life for someone who doesn't even know the value? 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Everything in life is Vanity!

Sometimes, i wonder what people think when they feel and act like the world is under their feet, when they act like they can do anything and get away with it, when they intimidate the less privileged as if there is no end to this life.

For example, when Blackberry first came out, it was an hot cake and most people intimidated others with it; but now, everybody use it. 
Camry was once the car for the big boys, but now, it's being used for public transport.
Plasma screen TV was only owned by the rich, but now, it's used in every local restaurant to watch football matches. People used to go out with the Ipad for swag, but now, it's too heavy to go out with.

Some so called big girls used to intimidate other babes with their brazilian hair, but now, even secondary school girls are tired of wearing human hair.
You form big girls/boys because you go to UK for vacation, but now, real big boys/girls buy first class ticket just to go buy ice cream in London.

What i'm trying to get across is that we should stop acting like there is no tomorrow because the things we place so much value on today will fade out like ABA jeans; and just like what we call Tortoise car today was once a big man's car yesterday.

Everything in life has an expiring date; even the life we have is a borrowed one.
No matter what you have, be humble and always be thankful to God for whatever he has given you because aside God, all of these material things are just plain vanity.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Start your day with this thought and be inspired.

cynthia ese's blog

Don't give up, try again!

Guys, love her the way she needs to be loved and not the way you want to love her.

cynthiaese's blog
Sometimes, guys tend to be selfish with their love by doing whatever they want, even when it hurts their women. 

They knowingly hurt their women and later come back to say 'baby, i'm sorry, i'm trying my best to love you'. Uhmm that's really sad and funny. 

How can you try your best to love someone if you keep lying and cheating on them? 

How can you say you love someone but your attitudes show something else? 

If you don't feel comfortable when the person you love hurts you because of their selfish interest, then you would stop hurting your women and start loving them the way they need to be loved and not the way you want to love them.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Ladies, learn how to love your man.

Most time i think women unfairly or unknowingly put men through unnecessary stress either because they want things done their way or because they are too self centered and selfish to even notice that they are not the only one having a bad day and that their men need TLC too.

Do you know why your man comes home every day at the close of work? 
Uhmmm....maybe you need to know what goes on at work first..... :-)

cynthia ese's blog 

Your man goes through all the imaginables like....
*Noise Chaos
*Salary arrears
*Excitement....and the list goes on & on

You are sure to succeed if only you don't give up.

Here is a little tipoff if you know nothing about the most talk about man not only in the history of America but in World history.
He wasn't only the messiah that put an end to slavery, his whole life was also a total inspiration.

Abraham Lincoln lo­st his job in 1832
Failed in business in 1833
Lost his wife 1835
Had a nervous breakdown 1836
Was defeated for speaker 1838
Lost bid for congress 1843
Lost nomination to congress in 1848
Was rejected for land officer 1849
Was defeated for senate in 1854
Lost nomination for vice president in 1856
Defeated for senate in 1858 and was finally elected president of the United state of America in 1860.

Do not give up on your challenges until they give up on you. Be consistent, you will succeed if only you don't give up.